"We're in the wrong dimension!" This article contains spoilers from There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension. Continue at your own risk. |
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Back Home (stylized as Back home) is the sixth chapter of There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension.
The thumbnail of the chapter has a pool of Game's tears, the Rogue Quiz logo, the HOME text from RPG-GPS, a spaceship and enemy from Super Fireshot IV, and a grid pattern (possibly referring to Bomb Sweeper) and a blurred picture of the Creator.
The user and Game arrive back at their home dimension, but GiGi isn't there with them. Game becomes sad and 0s and 1s started to fall in like rain. It floods the scene with objects from the first chapter. The user cheers Game up by writing "Love Game" on a board using the objects, Game then tells the user to quit the program by giving a quit button. The user keeps pressing "no" after clicking the quit button and that makes Game a bit angry, so Game asks the user to play a quiz, but with one wrong answer from the user, all the save files of the game will be deleted. Once the user reaches the third question, there is no way of getting the right answer so the save files will be deleted. After deleting the save files, the user will be thrown back to a fake main menu, but it's like starting the game from the beginning again. Entering Mise En Abyme on the chapter selection menu, everything looks exactly the same as if the user had just downloaded the game. Then it turns out the save files weren't really deleted.
A portal appears, taking the user to a phone. Using the keypad on the right screen, the user creates the letters "LOL". The user uses them to create a key allowing the user to escape from the lock screen. Shortly afterwards, they figure out that they are in the phone of Game's creator. The user gains access to the phone after this. The user goes to the mailbox and uses all the bug fixes in order to access the RPG-GPS on the phone. Here, they hear GiGi speaking the introduction of the game, and Game gets her to talk to him. GiGi explains why the creator separated the two programs. After speaking, the user decides to mess around with the controls.
The user gives the creator strong coffee. The creator spits out the coffee on the router causing it to break. The Creator reaches for the router but it zaps him and he passes out. Game tries to get the Creator's attention, but his attempts are fruitless. The user uses the home app to turn up the heat, which causes the Creator to wake up. The user calls the Creator on the phone and Game proceeds to tell the Creator what happened with Mr. Glitch. The Creator goes to his television and sees what Mr. Glitch is doing. The Creator transfers the User and Game to the Creator's computer and tries to merge GiGi back with Game. Mr. Glitch sends a vacuum at the Creator as a distraction. Once Mr. Glitch makes it to the Creator's computer, Game challenges Mr. Glitch to a game of Roshambo, but Mr. Glitch decides to play tic-tac-toe instead. Each game ends as a draw, and the user uses Mr. Glitch's symbol repeatedly to fix up GiGi's crooked loading bar. Eventually the transfer is done loading and the Creator cuts the internet in order to trap Mr. Glitch in the the Creator's computer. He tries to type the final command line, but Mr. Glitch keeps breaking it while the user holds Mr. Glitch back, and eventually the Creator finishes it, eliminating Mr. Glitch. Game, GiGi, and the user get transported back to their dimension, introducing the non-game's Epilog.
- The Letters O, E, G, A, M, E / Fabricated Letters L and V
- United Kingdom Flag
- Goat
- Large Gear
- Scissors
- Door Key
- Password Key
- Bomb from Bombsweeper
- Beatcoin
- Tic-Tac-Toe Xs and Os
- Backslash Line
- Mr. Glitch
- Game: You play with my feelings, I play with yours!
- Creator: ThE gLiTcH!
- The title "Back Home" both refers to the User and Game returning back where they started, as well as both of them ending up in the home of theCreator.
- The Rogue Quiz segment is meant to trick the player into thinking the game has actually deleted their save file.