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"We're in the wrong dimension!"

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Hello User! This is the program speaking. I've got some bad news. Actually, there is no game. I hope you are not disappointed.
-Game's introduction

Game is the titular character and deuteragonist of There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension. He is a lonely computer program abandoned by his Creator.

Since he is the program you are currently playing, he doesn't have any physical form. Rather, he is only a voice that talks to you, but can still manipulate elements of the environment (at least for a while).


Game is often sarcastic and, at times, impolite. He'll openly insult people and gets aggravated easily. But he is also very cowardly, usually opting to give up when things become too challenging. By the end of the second chapter, he opens up more on helping out the game characters and interacting with the dimensions he and the User enter.

It's shown he is very lonely, suffering from the loss of GiGi and crying when it happens a second time and lashing out at his Creator for removing her.

It is assumed, at first, that he is malicious and unreliable, attempting to stop the User from playing a game he insists doesn't exist. It is later revealed, however, that there truly is no game and he was simply protecting himself from further damage.

He seems to be a fan of video games (possibly not by choice) as he has a basic understanding of game development, tropes, and can even call specific games and companies at some points. He even references some films as well.



A stand-alone RPG game was being developed by a Creator and his partner Julie, about a flying squirrel trying to stop an evil goat. It is implied that Julie handed much of the coding for the game. Inadvertently, the creation of this program had created two sentient programs that combine to make the game: GiGi (the "Global Gameplay") and Game (it is never truly stated what Game is, but he is implied to be on the creative side, such as the music or the story). Both are necessary for the game to function properly.

The Creator set up a crowdfunding campaign to fund the game, but it ultimately failed. Julie left to work as lead gameplay programmer in another country, leaving him with all her work on the game. Giving up, the Creator partnered with a company interested in using the RPG elements in a new GPS application. He removed GiGi from the source code and declared the project dead. This left Game devastated, as GiGi meant a lot to him, and without her he would not longer function properly, since "there is no game" without the gameplay. This also birthed Mr. Glitch, a powerful, evil virus who planned to leave Game and enter the real world to carry out an unspecified plan.

Mise En Abyme[]

One day, a User somehow enters the program. Game, panicking, blocks-off the game's play button, which would presumably not function properly with GiGi gone. The User is persistent, foiling all of Game's various defenses.

He eventually takes the user to Flying Squirrel OS and, pretending to be their conscience, tries to convince them to shut off the computer. This also doesn't work, and instead leads to the User activating a fake program. Game argues with the program, which inadvertently wakes up Mr. Glitch. The User clicks on Mr. Glitch enough to destroy the fake game's title and enter another game. And then another game. And another. And then three more before Game, Mr. Glitch, and the User get transported into a different dimension.

Behind the Scenes[]

Game starts out surprised and thinks that they are in a game. He is seemingly disappointed. He gets frustrated as the User starts interacting with the world and allowing the characters to progress in the story. Eventually, after completing a series of puzzles, the User frees Mr. Glitch from Mr. Wilhelm's game sprite. Mr. Glitch then leaves them inside the room, trying to leave the dimension to carry out his evil plan. The user manages to find a way out. Mr. Glitch explains his plan, only to be interrupted by a copy protection system. When the user closes it, Mr. Glitch is done explaining his plan and refuses to repeat it. A portal opens, and before the user and Game follow Mr. Glitch, they choose to save Watson and Sherlock. They hop into the portal and are sent to the next dimension.

The Good, the Bad, and the Princess[]

At first, Game seems enthusiastic on helping Hero with the puzzles. However, as they progress through the game, Game can be seen growing more impatient and discontent. They discover the Hammer and the Monocle while trying to get to the Sword of Life. While Hero tries to pull it out, he breaks it, rendering it useless. After grinding the tip down with the Ticklish Guardian, Game tells you what you did. When taking apart the interface, Game gets irritated and tells you that you broke another interface that strangely resembles a sword.


Game becomes impatient, not willing to complete the puzzles while trying to earn in-game cash and real-world cash to buy essential items, and becomes shocked that they can complete the puzzles.

Loss of Control[]

Game and the User are trapped in an endless loop of credits. They find that Mr. Glitch is there as well looking for something and get stuck. He tells the User to help him in order to be able to leave the credits. Then, Game finds GiGi and learns how she has been feeling since they were separated as she sings her song.

Back Home[]

Game is sad that Global Gameplay (GiGi) is not here. Game floods the non-game using his binary code tears. After that flood, Game asks the user to quit the game, but the yes button is glitched and breaks upon contact so the user is forced to press no. After refusing to leave, Game gives the user a quiz that goes by the name of "Rogue Quiz" with one rule added. The first wrong answer will lead to a PERMANENT save file deletion. The user cannot answer the third question, and Game pretends to delete the save file, forcing the user to "restart" from the first chapter.


After "destroying" Mr. Glitch and being sent by the creator, Game, GiGi, and the user end up back in Game's home. Game thanks the user for all they have done throughout the journey. After that, he tries to make the user leave, but GiGi stops him, saying the user should finally get to play the game at last. Game reluctantly agrees, and has user open the curtains. After going behind the title and the screwed plate, they see the button at last. Game gives the user a choice: play the game or delete his source code with a new button and prevent Mr. Glitch from appearing again (which he suggests).

If the User chooses to play the game, he reluctantly agrees, somewhat sheepishly embarrassed during the game's opening cutscene. But the game blue screens right after it starts and Mr. Glitch greets them.

If the User chooses to delete the source code, Game proceeds to "die" (although he's clearly pretending) and the screen goes black. However, the fades back to show him and GiGi still talking in front of the Flying Squirrel OS desktop. He receives a sKite call from the Russian voice, who tells him the User is still watching.


  • Mr. Glitch comes from the same code as Game and are both voiced by the same person.
    • The Creator also shares the same voice as both of them.
  • It is a running joke throughout the game that Game is thought to have a Russian accent, which he does not.
    • The Indian Voice thinks this, with his deep voice and overreactions. He eventually concedes after hearing the actual Russian Voice.
    • Sherlock and Watson believe he sounds Russian, although Sherlock thinks his voice is just the wind or Mr. Wilhelm.
    • The Dark Lord thinks he (or rather "she", since he believes it is Gaia speaking) sounds Russian.
    • The unknown game's credits all contain Russian names, none of which Game recognizes. Since this is never tied to Game specifically, it's probably meant to trick the User into thinking the credits are real and the game actually was made by a Russian team (which is not true).


There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension
Major Characters GameGiGiMr. GlitchUser
Mise En Abyme Characters GameMr. GlitchIndian VoiceJapanese VoiceFrench VoiceRussian Voice
Behind the Scenes Characters GameMr. GlitchSherlock HolmesDr. WatsonMr. Wilhelm
The Good, the Bad, and the Princess Characters GameMr. GlitchHeroDark LordPrincess
Free2Pay GameHeroDark LordPrincess
Loss of Control Characters GameMr. GlitchGiGi
Back Home Characters GameMr. GlitchGiGiCreator
Epilog Characters GameGiGiMr. GlitchRussian Voice