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"We're in the wrong dimension!"

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The one that will let me... [unintelligible] ...the whole world! Ha ha ha ha ha.
- Mr. Glitch's inaudible plan

Mr. Glitch is the main antagonist of There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension.


Mr. Glitch looks like a black and smoky cloud with white eyes. He has glitch effects that surround him and linger in his path. His text in the subtitles appear white with a red shadow.


Although Mr. Glitch is indicated as a villain in the game, it does not make him completely evil. He is a glitch, and glitches are seen across any platform. His personality is easily considered evil, and typically likes to pull off pranks on Game, and enjoys messing with him.


Before There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension, GiGi got taken away by the Creator and Game was left alone. However, the code that the Creator removed GiGi from generated a bug (or a glitch), which is Mr. Glitch.[1]

Mise En Abyme[]

Mr. Glitch first appears when Game screams "I'M NOT RUSSIAN!" in the Indian version of the non-game. The User clicks on Mr. Glitch repeatedly, and this forces the User and Games through various versions.

Behind the Scenes[]

Mr. Glitch is trapped, at first, inside of Mr. Wilhelm. The User and Game manage to free Mr. Glitch from the body. Game demands Mr. Glitch to take them home, but Mr. Glitch refuses to do so, stating that he wanted to go somewhere to execute his evil plan. As Mr. Glitch proceeds to reveal his plan, an error message pops up and prevents Game and the User from learning Mr. Glitch's plan. A portal opens up and all three of them jump in.

The Good, the Bad, and the Princess[]

Mr. Glitch appears briefly at the end of the chapter and makes modifications to the Legend Of The Secret. He leaves the User and Game, but not before saying his plan a second time. An ad pops up, preventing the User and Game from figuring out what he says. The game resets, leaving Game and the User to complete it again.


In Chapter 4, it is revealed that he turned the world Into a Free2play clicker with ads. Despite this, he never appears in this chapter since he had already left the dimension.

Loss of Control[]

Mr. Glitch appears at the start of the chapter, flying around the fake Credits. He gets stuck in an old movie, where the User and Game find him. He promises to take them home if they free him, but Game still doesn't quite trust him. After getting freed, he gets stuck again under a cat, then behind a door. Once he is finally free, it's revealed that he lied about taking them home. He remarks that he likes to mess with Game in styles before taking his name, adding DJ and putting it on the music slot, making it read "DJ Game". He appears several times to prevent the User from removing Game's name from the music slot, blocking it with a wooden board at first, then a metal block, and finally with a brick wall. After Game was freed and GiGi came, Mr. Glitch goes to check where GiGi is. He introduces himself to GiGi, revealing that he was born the day she disappeared. He then puts her name in the music slot and leaves the dimension.

Back Home[]

Mr. Glitch calls the Creator's phone, where it is revealed that both Mr. Glitch and Game had come from the same code. The User and Game wake the Creator up and Game proceeds to tell the Creator about Mr. Glitch's plan to make electronics uncontrollable and hostile. Mr. Glitch makes an effort to stop GiGi's transfer when he overhears their conversation, due to the Creator forgetting to hang up the phone. He challenges Game to a game of Tic-Tac-Toe, each match resulting in a draw until the User uses different symbols to help boost GiGi's transfer. Once the Creator comes back after having his vacuum sent after him by Mr. Glitch, he tries to type the last command. Mr. Glitch continuously breaks it until the User is able to hold Mr. Glitch back enough for the Creator to finish the command. This ends Mr. Glitch's existence.


In the Epilog, if the User chooses to play the game, Game: An RPG Adventure (Working Title) will boot up. But, once the User pushes start and the first chapter begins, a fake blue screen appears. Mr. Glitch then pops up from below (reborn into existence due to the error) saying "Hello!". After which, the game ends and the credits roll.


  • Mr. Glitch comes from the same code as Game and they are both voiced by the same person.
  • Free2Pay is the only chapter Mr. Glitch is not present in.
    • He is also absent in the "deletion" ending of the Epilog, only appearing at the end of the "play" ending.
  • His design is similar to Gastly from the Pokemon universe.



There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension
Major Characters GameGiGiMr. GlitchUser
Mise En Abyme Characters GameMr. GlitchIndian VoiceJapanese VoiceFrench VoiceRussian Voice
Behind the Scenes Characters GameMr. GlitchSherlock HolmesDr. WatsonMr. Wilhelm
The Good, the Bad, and the Princess Characters GameMr. GlitchHeroDark LordPrincess
Free2Pay GameHeroDark LordPrincess
Loss of Control Characters GameMr. GlitchGiGi
Back Home Characters GameMr. GlitchGiGiCreator
Epilog Characters GameGiGiMr. GlitchRussian Voice