- Header: Promotion
(Remember, if you don't wish for this position, you can always ask for it to be removed.)
Hello [USERNAME], you have been promoted to a [POSITION]!
Just a friendly reminder to look over the rules again as there may have been changes. Remember that if you are inactive or abuse the power given, it might be taken away. We welcome you to the staff team!
- Header: Promotion
(Remember, if you don't wish for this position, you can always ask for it to be removed.)
Hello [USERNAME], you have been promoted to a [POSITION]!
Just a friendly reminder to look over the rules again as there may have been changes. Remember that if you are inactive or abuse the power given, it might be taken away.
Inactivity Notice[]
- Header: Inactivity (2 Weeks)
Hello [USERNAME], this is a friendly reminder to edit frequently. Severe inactivity can result demotion. It has come to my attention that it has been [# OF WEEKS] since you last edited, and it is getting quite close to one month from then. If you do not edit within one month of your last edit, you will receive one strike. If you are confused, please read through this. Thank you!
- Header: Strike 1 (Reason)
Hello [USERNAME], you have received one strike for [REASON] (major/minor offense). Please keep this in mind. If you are confused, read through this.
- Header: Strike 2 (Reason)
Hello [USERNAME], you have received one strike for [REASON] (major/minor offense). Please keep this in mind. If you are confused, read through this.
- Header: Strike 3 (Reason)
Hello [USERNAME], you have received one strike for [REASON] (major/minor offense). Please keep this in mind. If you are confused, read through this.
Unfortunately, because this is your third strike, you will be removed from your position as staff.
- Header: (Violation)
Hello [USERNAME], it has come to my attention that you have broken [RULE # HERE] as seen [HERE]. Please do note that this is against our rules:
This is your [# OF WARNINGS] warning. Please do not do it again.
Active |
Semi-Active |
Inactive |